Sunday, December 2, 2012

Uh Oh! + Pre-New Year's Resolution

    I got submitted by a striker wearing skinny jeans. Obviously, my jiu jitsu needs work.

    Resolution-wise, I'm trying to get back into the two-a-day game. And the kickboxing game. And the track game. And the cycling game. Lots of games. Yay.
    Two-a-days need to happen. I've been seriously slacking in that department. No good. Happily, they'll happen naturally once track starts up again; pre-season strength workouts begin on Thursday, and the official season begins at the end of Winter/beginning of Spring. Track. Two-a-days. Two birds, one stone.
    Kickboxing needs to happen, not because I think those classes will make me into a fighter - they won't - but because those classes do great things for my legs/glutes/arms/abs. Everything. Kickboxing is pretty great for everything. And the classes provide good conditioning for the OCRs because the structure between cardio and strength exercises is nonexistent. Woohoo.
   Cycling needs to happen because it never really happened before, and it seems like a fun thing to do. I've decided I want to do a century, which is a bike race that's 100 miles long. I don't really have a reason for doing a race like that, but why not?
   So, let the games begin!

Also, found this picture today. It's pretty awesome.