Sunday, July 22, 2012

And so it begins.

Post number one. Here we go.

I've always been someone who wanted/needed to get things done. Fortunately, I'm a full-time student and an aspiring athlete, so I have get-stuff-done opportunities all day, every day. Once I realized this, I became a bit more selective with the things I did and how well I did them (which is why I got crappy grades in pre-calc, but placed amazingly in all of my races). Recently, I've taken up a few new sports - apparently I didn't have enough stuff to do already - and am trying to fully immerse myself in them before school starts again (bringing along with it stress and a gross number of college-related obligations. Oh, the joys of senior year). BJJ and OCR are where I'm focusing my energy right now. I need something to take my mind off the stress of getting into college; without sports my head might explode. 

In theory, I'll be using this blog to talk about the trials and tribulations of competing in and training for unfamiliar sports, but I suspect some school stuff may find it's way on here, so let me apologize in advance. I'm hoping to keep the Mulan theme going throughout the blog, but that's a get-stuff-done opportunity that I'm not willing to commit to just yet. 

Having said that, I will bring this post to a closing. A new week begins tomorrow, full of shit that needs to get done. Training begins again tomorrow at 6 a.m., so as I am very fond of saying:   

*brazilian jiu jitsu and obstacle course racing

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