Sunday, October 21, 2012

Muscle Always Wins

It's been a while since I've posted, sorry about that.
Quick update:
-As far as bjj goes, everything is amazing. I'm in love with this sport. Actually. I competed in my first tournament in mid-September...and I got my ass kicked. Admittedly, I was crazy upset about losing, but looking back it was definitely a good experience. I lost and it was shitty and it's not going to happen again. And after the tournament my coach gave me the go-ahead to start training with the guys. What does that mean? It means I get to train 6 days a week instead of 2. It also means, theoretically, that I'll get better a lot faster. I love training. Love, love, love it. Bjj. Yes.
-Speaking of training, I've adopted a workout that was put out by MusclePharm. Nothing too crazy and nothing that I wasn't already doing. So I guess this update was useless. Whoops.
-School still stucks, but not for the classic I'm-a-lazy-kid-who-hates-homework reasons. I don't mind the work, and I've got pretty great teachers. Problem: I have to sit in a classroom 8 hours a day. That's 8 hours that I could be training. And I don't mind the work, really, but I can't see the point in having one assignment that takes 2 hours to complete (cough *AP Physics* cough)! That's 10 hours. Gone. And that's only school plus one class!! Oh well.
-I'm trying out the Warrior Diet. I've never been a fad dieter, but this seems like something I could stick to...and Rhonda Rousey does it, so it can't be that bad, right?

Anywho, the point of this post is to talk/rant a little about the Williams sisters.

I was told by a grown woman that Serena and Venus look fat in this photo. She said, "I can tell they're trying very hard to suck in, and they still look huge." That is a problem.
These woman are not huge or fat or obese or gross or anything other than strong. I don't mean to sound cheesy, but come on. I don't understand how someone, especially a woman, could see this picture and think of these athletes as being fat, i.e. out of shape. Not okay. Really not okay.

Dear world,
  Stop encouraging people to associate beauty with chicks who are barbie look-a-likes. Muscle will always be more attractive than being "skinny." Muscle always wins.*

*The guys I roll with are at least ten times stronger than I am. It makes training....interesting.

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